Learn with KAI’s flagship course. Everything starts from here!
Here we will build the house. Every house has a foundation, walls or pillars, and a roof. It’s an example to create the perfect blueprint for a well-balanced and successful life. When learned and used correctly this course can change everything.

Here are just a few examples:

  1. Laking direction
  2. Setting a clear path of what it is you want
  3. Creating a positive mindset
  4. Creating the right disciples
  5. Overcoming fears
  6. Power of focus
  7. Creating a powerful vision
  8. The power of setting the right goals
  9. Finding your true values and what important to you
  10. The power of good and effective communication
  11. Building lasting relationships
  12. How to cheat time and use it more effectively
  13. Understating how to live a life without worries about money
  14. How to create wealth
  15. Finding the right wealth vehicle for you

There’s an old saying,

“If you build a house on the sand it will wash away, build it on a solid foundation it will last forever”

LWK believes the same principles. Everything first starts with the:

The Foundation is where we will teach you how to find the right place to build what it is your looking to build. By giving you the right tools to dig, mix, and poor the correct foundation. It’s here that will create the right mindset and make you unstoppable. Next comes…



There’s a saying “People with no vision will perish” Here we will show you how to create a solid vision for the future. Show you how to create the life you wish and dream of with the next pillar of…



Here you will take your vision and turn them into a dream you can accomplish with the right goals. Here you will not just wish, but we will show you why creating the right game plan or goals is so important to achieve your vision of what it is you want. But in order to get what you want you need people that want to help and work with you and that comes with the right…



There’s a saying “People with no vision will perish” Here we will show you how to create a solid vision for the future. Show you how to create the life you wish and dream of with the next pillar of…



Without this pillar, nothing happens. Communication is one of the most important skills we have as humans, however, with technology, it’s becoming lost in text messages, emails, DM, or social media posts. Kids today are hiding behind technology and not being taught this important skill set. Here we will teach how to effectively communicate both verbally and non-verbally. As well as learning that communication is not just talking but also effective listening. The knowledge of how to communicate helps with the next pillar of…



There’s a saying “People with no vision will perish” Here we will show you how to create a solid vision for the future. Show you how to create the life you wish and dream of with the next pillar of…



Now let’s clear a myth, you can not manage time!!!! We can’t change how much time we have in a day EVERYONE has the same 24 hrs in a day. It’s not time we manage but the energy we spent in the time that we can manage. I’ll prove a point. Ever been on vacation or have a deadline for a project you have put off and now it’s due? Now all of a sudden you can get 1 Week’s worth of work done in several hours or a few days, why you now had to manage your energy? There’s a saying “It’s not what you do with the 1hr that matters, it’s what you do IN the hour that matters” Here we will show you how to create the EASIEST system for Time where we will show you how to make time for the things you enjoy or want to do. Now with this free time, you’re going to create you going to want to spend money on things but before you do let’s make sure you understand the last pillar of….



This is another important thing that should be taught in schools but is not until they get to college and get all the credit card offers and drive themselves into huge debt!! Well not anymore. Here will teach everything from a financial statement to a balance sheet, how to earn, grow, & invest for the future. Here we will help get every kid an MBA in the future. Which is a MASSIVE BANK ACCOUNT. It’s also here where we can teach kids the importance of compounding interest, with time and the right knowledge this could alone get any kid an MBA. What compounding interest? Let me ask a question, what would you rather get now $1,000,000 dollars cash or 1 penny that doubles every day for 30 days (ex: today 1 cent, 2 cents tomorrow, then 4 the next, 8 the next, and so on) Well, compounding interest is option 2. That penny that doubles every day will equal a little over $5,000,000. Now, what would you pick, if you 1st picked the $1 Million? Again it’s having the right knowledge


Now that we build the foundation and put up the pillars now we can do the last thing to make this house complete. And very important because it keeps us safe from all the outdoor elements like rain, snow, dirt, and so on.

It‘s the roof. In our case here the roof is the wealth vehicle that will get you what you’re wanting out of life. But the challenge is finding the right wealth vehicle. Well not anymore. When you’re looking to buy a new car, 1st you decide on the make and model, then take a test drive, correct? LWK work with entrepreneurs and educators that offer classes and courses, just to name a few like:

  1. Real estate investing
  2. Becoming a author
  3. Becoming a social media influencer
  4. Online business creating
  5. Offline business creation
  6. Traditional brick and mortar business
  7. Network Marketing
  8. Coaching
The hard part is finding the one that fits you and sticking with it!!! The reason so many new entrepreneurs fail in building their wealth vehicle( THE ROOF) is most never even build the foundation or the pillars. They started with the Roof 1st. And that will never work. Or they build the foundation and pillars correctly but they are trying to do to start too many businesses at the same time and nothing works. It’s like trying to get a black belt in 5 different forms at the same time. IMPOSSIBLE!!

Nothing lasting happens overnight. It’s a journey. And it's not always going to be easy. And it where easy everyone would do it. But with the right knowledge and help, everything becomes easier with time. Learn with Kai is here to speed up that time and make the journey fun and exciting.


The most important investment you can make is in yourself, the next most important is in your children.

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